Our Initiatives

"Chronic Wasting Disease in Virginia: A Hunter Perception Survey August 2022

To aid in the management of Chronic Wasting Disease, a survey has been designed to gain insight on the valued opinions of hunters in the state of Virginia. This survey will aid wildlife professionals in managing the disease and its effects on our white-tailed deer populations. This survey is by invitation only. Please use the link provided in your email and complete the survey by August 19th, 2022. For further information please contact bcolvin21@unity.edu . "

From Wounded Warriors to our youth, we are committed to inspiring a passion for outdoor recreation in current and future generations. With our strong admiration for the military, and in response to the needs of the wounded, ill and injured military community, we strive to foster a more accessible way for these individuals to enjoy outdoor recreation. As our youth will one day be the future, we aim to foster a love and enjoyment for hunting, fishing, and the outdoors. 


grant program

wounded warriors