Thank you for your interest in participating in a hunt program through WFV.
In an effort to streamline the application and registration process, we have upgraded our website. Here is how it works:
- You need to fill out the basic information below so we can establish your online account;
- Provided you have established your online account, you are required to attend an onsite safety briefing for each property in which you would like to hunt. You are not required to attend a safety briefing if you have hunted our properties last year;
- Permits will be activated based on the sign-in sheets for each safety briefing. If you are a first-time hunter and are unable to attend any of the safety briefings you will need to wait until next year to hunt WFV’s properties;
- Your permit will be valid from opening day of archery or gun season, depending on which briefing you attend, and will be valid through the end of spring gobbler season in 2025; and, your permit will be valid for deer, waterfowl, quail and turkey hunting only, depending on which property you have permission to hunt.

Upcoming Safety Briefings
Location: Clay Hill
Date: Sept 18, 2024 @ 6pm
Location: Fulfillment Farms
Date: Sept 25, 2024 @ 6pm
Location: Fulfillment Farms
Date: Oct 27, 2024 @ 1pm