Our Mission


WFV is here to sustain hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation in Virginia. We do this not only by extending the frontiers of publicly accessible land, but also by engaging Virginia’s outdoorsmen in shooting sports, fishing opportunities, and passive outdoor recreation that fosters a passion for the resource. We believe the purest and most effective way to conserve land is by enhancing Virginian’s relationship with it.

Because the future of wildlife and habitat resources depends upon the action we take today, WFV is committed to inspiring in the next generation a passion for outdoor recreation. Something every modern sportsman comes to understand is the unmistakable connection between hunting, fishing and the diminishing access to lands in which we pursue these activities. These are principles WFV believes to be paramount in combatting the growing threat of diminishing accessibility to public lands.

With a heritage rich in the cultural traditions of hunting and fishing, the Commonwealth of Virginia stands as a beacon for sportsmanship and conservation. WFV is dedicated to helping ensure that those who wish to pursue Virginia’s rich sporting opportunities are afforded every opportunity to do just that.


We believe...

that active participation with engaged sportsmen and landowners are key components in ensuring abundant public land access. Because the state of wildlife and habitat resources depends upon the action we take today, WFV is committed to inspiring a passion for outdoor recreation in current and future generations.